ZEF's interdisciplinary doctoral program at the University of Bonn: BIGS-DR

The Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) is based at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), an institute of the University of Bonn. The University of Bonn is one of Germany’s 11 Universities of Excellence and runs 12 International Graduate Schools, among them BIGS-DR. The structured and interdisciplinary doctoral program was established in 1999 and has since offered outstanding opportunities for conducting development research, establishing international collaboration, and taking part in a tailored qualification program.

Research topics

ZEF’s doctoral program is an excellent choice for those seeking to build a career in the field of sustainable development, including research, project development and implementation, or policy-making. Topics of special research interest at ZEF include Agriculture, land use, climate change; Water resources (management); Biodiversity; Food and nutrition; Health; Gender; Migration, mobility, and urbanization; Governance and conflict; Markets and services; Innovation and science policy

ZEF's directors

ZEF is led by three directors (photos on top from left to right): Prof. Dr. Matin Qaim (Economics), Prof. Dr. Ina Danquah (Planetary Health and Nutrition) and Prof. Dr. Christian Borgemeister (Ecology).

Further professors and supervisors based at or affiliated with ZEF are: Prof. Dr. Jan Börner, Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter and PD Dr. Eva Youkhana, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Barfuß and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger. More info about all professors at ZEF here.

BIGS-DR students

More than 400 students from 100 countries have participated in the BIGS-DR program at ZEF so far. Each annual 'batch' comprises around 20-30 students who come from different disciplinary backgrounds.

Our students complete their doctoral studies in about 3-4 years and receive their doctoral degree from one of the faculties of the University of Bonn.

Study Program

BIGS-DR offers its students a tailor-made, interdisciplinary study program including courses, supervision and field research. ZEF's interdisciplinary and international setting offers many opportunities for broadening knowledge, strengthening skills and extending own networks.

Beyond, ZEF and the University of Bonn offer a wide portfolio of additional trainings to improve professional skills.


Why apply for a doctorate at ZEF?

BIGS-DR students participate in a tailor-made (inter)disciplinary course program.

BIGS-DR provides intensive supervision and tutorship within its structured doctoral program. In regular meetings, students are supported and guided by a team of experts consisting of their supervisors and senior researchers at ZEF.

BIGS-DR students are junior researchers and therewith part of an international and interdisciplinary academic community of junior and senior researchers, professors, and alumni.

ZEF collaborates with numerous institutions and projects worldwide, offering opportunities for joint lectures and research cooperation.

BIGS-DR students improve their professional skills and career prospects by attending workshops on academic writing, intercultural training, and research ethics.

Thanks to the structured program, it takes BIGS-DR students 3-4 years on average to conduct research, analyze their data, publish academic papers, present results at international conferences, complete their dissertations and obtain their doctoral degrees.

Upon successfully defending their dissertation, students are awarded a doctoral degree from one of the Faculties at University of Bonn (mostly Agriculture, Natural sciences, or Arts).

BIGS-DR courses count for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The course program at BIGS-DR amounts to 30 ECTS credits.



Dr. Silke Tönsjost
(Academic Coordinator)

+49 (0)228 / 73-1794

Max Voit

+49 (0)228 / 73-1727

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